Up Down and Around


Fifteen – 15 minute programs for grades Pre K – 1. Copyright 2009

Up Down & Around teaches manuscript handwriting skills to students in grades Pre K – 1. Utilizing the proven Zaner-Bloser methodology, this series demonstrates correct letter formation and offers hands-on practice. Students have fun while learning the proper formation of letters. Valuable teaching tool for beginning writers.

Pricing is available for classroom or library series. Marc Records are available. Broadcast and duplication rights are also available. Duplication rights allow licensee to make copies for distribution to schools or libraries. Programs are available for broadcast licensing which can include closed-circuit, open broadcast, web streaming and podcasting.

BECON Instructional Programs are available for use by schools and schools districts within the U.S. to learn more, please contact Gladys Sznajderman @754-321-1000 | 754-321-1011 or via email: gladys.sznajderman@browardschools.com