Crossings of the Racial Divide: Hollywood Stories


30 minute program for middle, high school students and adults. Copyright 2004

Crossings of the Racial Divide: Hollywood Stories is a provocative documentary featuring interviews with residents of Hollywood, Florida and surrounding areas, who reminisce about their race relations experiences spanning 60 years of change. These stories are selections from a larger oral history project conducted for the book (Voices of America Series) Race and Change in Hollywood, Florida, and are housed in Special Collections, African American Research Library and Cultural Center (AARLCC) in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.

Pricing is available for classroom or library series. Marc Records are available. Broadcast and duplication rights are also available. Duplication rights allow licensee to make copies for distribution to schools or libraries. Programs are available for broadcast licensing which can include closed-circuit, open broadcast, web streaming and podcasting.

BECON Instructional Programs are available for use by schools and schools districts within the U.S. to learn more, please contact Gladys Sznajderman @754-321-1000 | 754-321-1011 or via email: